Thursday, June 20, 2013

How To Build A Church In Today's World Without Even Trying

The beginning is the hardest part, for one must begin with one saved soul - And by itself - One saved soul is simply that: One.

For God to be present in a place for a state of worship to exist, there must be a second soul. The Holy Spirit provides the third, and worship may begin. Now, prayer requires but one soul, but worship requires two, yet of the two souls only one must be saved. God is present whenever two or more are gathered in His name.

Now to begin a church. Our saved soul gives the gospel of Our Lord to the unsaved soul in this time and place, and asks the unsaved soul if he might believe in his heart that The Lord Jesus Christ did die for his personal sins thus redeeming him and making him a part of The Body Of Christ. If our unsaved soul answers: "I do so believe." He then becomes a postulate ready for Baptism. Water is poured three times over his head, once, "In The Name Of The Father," once, "In The Name Of The Son," and once, "In The Name Of The Holy Spirit," with the hand of the Baptist being laid on the head of the one being Baptized after each of the three pourings of the water.

Now we have the requirements for prayer with God presence guaranteed us being met, and God will never leave the two who have gathered in His name. If they do not abandon one-another they have a church, if they do, they are two saves souls, and the opportunity to form another new church begins anew.

+ Metropolitan Joel
Apostolic Chancellor


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